Another talk I did back in November was on Polymer.
Polymer is an interesting framework which is used to create custom HTML elements using the browsers web components API’s if it can. In my talk we’ll make our very own elements and use them to create a cat pinterest style application for cat lovers everywhere.
As I was recording this my screen recorder crashed which meant I had to bail from screen recording my talk. I don’t think my mac likes screen recording while trying to power a projector and it’s screen!
I also listed some useful links which weren’t captured in the video so here are the links below:
- Screencast Sourcecode - The sourcecode for the kitteh app that we built in this screencast
- Official Polymer Site
- Polylint - A useful linter which is good at picking up common errors
- Polyserve - A simple server to load your Polymer elements
- Webcomponents - Collection of all things web components
- Polymer Summit - Youtube playlist of the latest Polymer summit
- Codelabs - Useful collection of hands on tutorials on how to do cool stuff with Polymer
- Polycasts - A youtube series hosted by Rob Dodson on polymer topics, very handy stuff!
Thank you for watching!