Initial Commit
So finally, after many years of world class procrastination I finally have my first site
And what a beauty she is! From start to finish this site has taken me about 2 days to complete (and many more tinkering). To say I’m pleased is an understatement, not only because it has taken me so long to get this far but also because I did it under my own steam.
I’d like to send out a special thanks to David Darnes, for helping me not only with my snazzy logo but also solving a few of the irritating bugs webkit and friends threw my way.
So who am I?
I’m Rob, a developer from Great Britain. I started coding in 2007 while at school with ASP.NET, a lot of people dislike .net and personally I don’t blame them. But looking back there was a lot of good stuff in the .net framework if you knew what you were doing from the outset… I clearly didn’t!
So one thing lead to another and I made the switch to PHP. Moving over was a breath of fresh air from the often complicated world of xml config files and code behind files. Initially I started using Kohana after being recommended by Richard Standbrook, but I also dabbled in WordPress after discovering its ability to get a basic site up in minutes.
It wasn’t until working on the famed Jigoshop plugin that I discovered all the new things that WordPress could do such as custom post types, routing to name just a few. I also had good fun learning about working on a distributed product to boot!
What’s occurring
Like many in my world I decided I should start writing some of my eureka moments down so:
- I now have a reference to check incase I’ve forgotten how to do something.
- Hopefully I can save someone else who’s in the same boat some bother.
- Finally, so I can share some my ideas with the rest of the world.
Credit where due
- Peter Rhoades - for helping with the logo and setting up the site.
- Matt Kersley - for providing some much needed illustrator help.
- Laura Kalbag, Jack Franklin and Rachel Shillcock - for motivating me to finally get around to creating this blog.
- Chris Coyier - for providing the fantastic tutorials on CSS-Tricks.
- Github - for providing a platform for me to use and just generally being awesome!
It’s going to be a fun ride and I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoyed creating them :)